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Casting Your Cares

Casting Your Cares

There is a lot of noise in the air these days. Economic. Political. Social. Cultural.


Noise creates confusion.

Noise breeds anxiety.

Anxiety often takes over our minds, creating a cloud of anxiety that overshadows our daily lives. Looking to Jesus in times of suffering provides a path of peace and assurance. His teachings and example provide powerful tools for relieving anxiety.

Jesus directly addresses the issue of anxiety in His Sermon on the Mount. He encourages us to think of the lilies of the field and the birds of the air, pointing out that they do not toil...

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The Miracle of Technology

The Miracle of Technology

When you look at the history of, say, the world, one of the most important instigators to transformation has been the way we communicate....

Let God Be Your New Year’s Resolution

Let God Be Your New Year’s Resolution

I’ve never been very good at making resolutions or setting goals, of any sort, really. I mean, I’ve made fitness goals in the...

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Year End Giving

Year End Giving

When is a good time to talk about giving? Now that I’ve not only been attending church, but have worked for the church for...

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Still Waters

Still Waters

I went on this silent retreat. Two things I don’t like. Silence and retreating. But there I was doing both. I went down by...

Who is this God I Depend Upon?

Who is this God I Depend Upon?

Have you ever concluded a prayer time with the tag-on, “In Jesus’ Name”?  Yeah, me too. I mean sometimes I pray, and beg, and...



I’m the kind of guy who can’t sit still. When I go to a thing, I can’t just go there, I need a purpose,...

Out of Control?

Out of Control?

I was so freaking stressed. Has that ever happened to you? Being so freaking stressed? Well, it was happening to me a few weeks...

All In

All In

One summer, I took several high school friends of mine to British Columbia for a week of sea kayaking through the Princess Louisa Inlet....

Never My Love

Never My Love

This theme of God’s ever-loving presence keeps coming up lately. Sometimes I feel very alone, distant from others and distant from God. Although I’ve...
