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Casting Your Cares

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Casting Your Cares

Casting Your Cares

There is a lot of noise in the air these days. Economic. Political. Social. Cultural.


Noise creates confusion.

Noise breeds anxiety.

Anxiety often takes over our minds, creating a cloud of anxiety that overshadows our daily lives. Looking to Jesus in times of suffering provides a path of peace and assurance. His teachings and example provide powerful tools for relieving anxiety.

Jesus directly addresses the issue of anxiety in His Sermon on the Mount. He encourages us to think of the lilies of the field and the birds of the air, pointing out that they do not toil...

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What Will Become of the Church

What Will Become of the Church

There was a time in Ancient Israel when the Israelites were worshipping the god Molech. He was one of many pagan gods they were...
