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Over the past few weeks I have had the opportunity to share with women something that God has recently taught me.

Through sharing this lesson that I have learned, I found that many women struggle with the same thing. Isn’t it funny how transparency always seems to lead to community?

This lesson I learned was concerning my identity. And I discovered just how much I struggled with it when I moved from New York State to East Tennessee.

I left everything I knew and had known all my life for a place I knew little about. All...

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Wage War on Worry

Wage War on Worry

What is worry? Worry is a deep-rooted, unsettling anxiety over the future, circumstances and their possible adverse outcomes, or angst over past decisions and...

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Making Sense of the Tensions of the Christian Life

Making Sense of the Tensions of the Christian Life

“Blessed be the LORD, for he has wondrously shown his steadfast love to me when I was in a besieged city. I had said...

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God is Not Angry

God is Not Angry

Last blog we discussed some of God’s attributes, facts about God. We said that God is perfect meaning that whatever He does is perfect,...

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I once was meeting with my mentor, Fil. I confessed to him that I was tired. “What kind of tired?” he asked. “Physically, mentally,...

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Face the Fear and Uncertainty of Life’s Troubles and Puzzles

Face the Fear and Uncertainty of Life’s Troubles and Puzzles

What are you afraid of? The best way to discover your fears is to examine your worries. Many biblical characters faced fears, and, yet,...

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Play Again

Play Again

You find out who you are on your worst days. When your life crumbles, when you underperform, when you don’t live up to your...

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Good Intentions and a Pure Heart

Good Intentions and a Pure Heart

The book of Jeremiah, chapter 17, verses 9 and 10-

“The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it? I,...

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Christians, You Are Dead to Sin

Christians, You Are Dead to Sin

“Consider yourselves dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus” – Romans 6:11 Many Christians today still believe we are bound to a...
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The Redemption of Losses

The Redemption of Losses

I recently began to write commentary as I read Scripture. I find that it allows me to engage with the text in a complete...

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