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We Long to Be Seen

We Long to Be Seen

Jesus sees you. He really sees you. He sees everything about you. Jesus sees you and loves you. And, because he sees you and loves you, you can live securely.

And that is the best good news ever.

The world is moving at an unprecedented pace (even, or especially, during COVID). More news, more social media, more email, more texts, more…more…more of everything – and more than we can handle.

One side effect of this increase is that many people are increasing feeling missed.


And this is not the way Jesus intended it to be.

I can’t sing at...

Sorry…You’re Not “One in a Million”

Sorry…You’re Not “One in a Million”

What makes you unique?

Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.” –Oscar Wilde, author

One of my best friends is a soccer fanatic. His name is...

New Year, New You

New Year, New You

Sorry for the cliché title, but with all the promise and expectation of a new year, I think it’s a fair (and on the...

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In the summers during my college years, I worked multiple jobs…to pay for college. One of them was a landscaping gig that I did...

10 Year Plan

10 Year Plan

I was in class last Friday. I love this class. I’ve taken it five times. This is my sixth. I’m still learning. The teacher...

Self-Awareness [What kind of mirror do you look into everyday?]

Self-Awareness [What kind of mirror do you look into everyday?]

Atlantic City. America’s Playground. It’s like Las Vegas—only dirtier. It is underpopulated in the winter and overpopulated in the sum- mer. “Atlantic Ave” is...

A Roadmap to Resetting Your Vision

A Roadmap to Resetting Your Vision

It might be the first important question any of us are ever asked.

Most of the questions of childhood are mundane: “Would you like more...

Getting Wet

Getting Wet

I have a friend who had a dream. In the dream he was zooming and zipping down a whitewater rapid. He had no life...

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For I Was Hungry…

For I Was Hungry…

7,340 miles away from my hometown of Winston-Salem, NC lies a village of a few hundred in the far north of the African country...

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Seek and Find Purpose

Seek and Find Purpose

Last week we talked about purpose. We made the point that we are not competing for our purpose but rather we have one specifically...

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