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Posts for College Category
What Did I Sign Up For?

What Did I Sign Up For?

Observations from Three Years at a Progressive Divinity School

If you’ve read my blogs or listened to the dearly departed Bite Size Theology podcast, then you know I got a Master of Divinity—the most pretentious possible degree name in the history of academia—at Wake Forest Divinity School. It was an incredibly enriching experience that gave me numerous tools I’ll be able to use for the rest of my life. It also pushed me to the breaking point more than I’d like to admit.

A recent conversation with a friend who also went to seminary...

Graduation Advice from an Elder Millennial

Graduation Advice from an Elder Millennial

I graduated college in 2005. That means by the time I was a senior I had already experienced the Columbine school shooting as a...

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How to Respond to the Coronavirus if You are Young and Healthy

How to Respond to the Coronavirus if You are Young and Healthy

To be honest, I was dismissive of the initial reaction to the coronavirus in the US. I thought cancelling the NCAA tournament and other...

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Travel Hacking 101 [Part 3]

Travel Hacking 101 [Part 3]

It has been fun to see the response from this series. Seems like everyone wants to travel more and to more exotic locations. Or...

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A Starter Kit for Graduates: NOW WHAT?!

A Starter Kit for Graduates: NOW WHAT?!

Welcome to the “real world.” These are the first things to do to set yourself up for success.

Safety strategy: “You can’t run out of money...

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Why are Millennials so Self-Absorbed?

Why are Millennials so Self-Absorbed?

I’ve heard it countless times. The endless criticism of the millennial generation for being “entitled”, “ self-absorbed”, “spoiled”, the list goes on. My generation...

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Official Everyday Exiles 2019 National Championship Preview

Official Everyday Exiles 2019 National Championship Preview

Ah, yes, it’s that time of year football fans. The National Championship final is only a few days away. And you know what that...

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Genesis 1 Relationships

Genesis 1 Relationships

This week I want to return to the subject of loneliness. I wrote a few weeks ago about the dire loneliness epidemic sweeping our...

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It’s Been 17 Years

It’s Been 17 Years

This past week has been a busy one for the people of New York City. Tuesday marked the 17th anniversary of 9/11, Wednesday marked...

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The Biggest Mistakes College Students Make [Part 2]

The Biggest Mistakes College Students Make [Part 2]

Last week I highlighted the first 5 mistakes college students make. You can see that post HERE.

This week here are numbers 6-10 of the mistakes...

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