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Posts for Christian Life Category
More of Jesus: What I Learned from Reading the Bible in a Year

More of Jesus: What I Learned from Reading the Bible in a Year

I finally did it.

For many years I have committed at the New Year, sometimes publicly in front of my church, to read the entire Bible in a year. I meant it when I made the commitment. But, it just never happened.

I would get behind and give up discouraged.

This year was different. Not really sure why. I got behind, but caught up. I got discouraged, but pushed through the discouragement.

I have to say, I am kind of proud of myself. And, I learned lots of things this year as I made intentional time to read...

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Perfectionists and Realists

Perfectionists and Realists

December brings with it a certain apprehension on my part for all the holiday hoopla. Hibernation until the new year seems quite appealing. Reinstating...

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How to Be

How to Be

Something ALL of us go through in any busy season is, dealing with people. It’s magnificent, the challenge and blessing that poses! Whether...

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And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room...

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C.S. Lewis Has Thoughts on Christmas

C.S. Lewis Has Thoughts on Christmas

Who’s the smartest guy to ever live? Lewis. CS Lewis. He feeds me on a number of levels. I love him on apologetics! In...

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All  Glory Be to Christ

All Glory Be to Christ

Another year has come and gone – each year has enough troubles of its own, and 2017 was no exception. At the end of...
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Advent as an Act of Worship

Advent as an Act of Worship

In January, I goaled to finish all the books I put down, but never finished. Thankfully, the list was pretty short. One book on...

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Taking L’s

Taking L’s

When is the last time you took a hard L? I don’t just mean a loss, but a brutal one. One that hurts. One...

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A Certain Significance

A Certain Significance

On a dark summer evening a couple of months ago, sitting cross-legged in my grandaddy’s oversized recliner chair, I became overwhelmingly convinced that my...

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The Manger

The Manger

I recently tried to describe this at church and failed miserably, but I’m going to try it here and see if I can’t do...

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