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Posts for Leadership Category
Are You a Celebrity?

Are You a Celebrity?

I was helping out at the vaccine clinic last week and was doing what is perhaps my favorite job, which is holding an elderly person’s hand in hopes to give them the extra courage they needed to face the needle. This particular lovely person I was getting to perform this job for was a woman named Doris. She was a pure delight to meet. She was a proud mother of her daughter and her love for the Lord was contagious.

Good news for Doris – the shot happened without a flinch. Her smile widened once...

The Importance of Being Mentored

The Importance of Being Mentored

In my life I have had many people who have taken special interest in me and, in turn, have shaped the leader and person...

John Maxwell on Leadership

John Maxwell on Leadership

John C. Maxwell is a No. 1 New York Times bestselling author, coach and speaker who has sold more than 24 million books in...

You Are Not Your Idea

You Are Not Your Idea

What was your best idea?

If you think back on your leaders, which great idea were you the most excited about?

Which idea, as you look...

Rethinking Leadership

Rethinking Leadership

I was asked to interview the new leader of Young Life in Hong Kong last week. I haven’t written the article yet so I...

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No One Just Forgives

No One Just Forgives

If God is as all-powerful, all good, and as all-loving I suggest, why couldn’t God just forgive?

Payment for sin – really? Seems beneath God...

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3 Lessons Learned by Mall Walking

3 Lessons Learned by Mall Walking

I found a new tribe!

It was a Saturday and it was cold. I MEAN COLD!

I fully intended to go for a run near my...

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Lessons Learned from Changing Seasons

Lessons Learned from Changing Seasons

My kids are totally giddy about the changing of seasons. Last week we moved from winter into spring – although someone forgot to tell...

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Why Resolutions Fail

Why Resolutions Fail

I once read this great illustration in Reader’s Digest:

My friend Kimberly announced that she had made a New Year’s resolution to start a diet...

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5 Ways to Encourage Those You Lead

5 Ways to Encourage Those You Lead

I have the great privilege of working with an amazing team. A team that fights for one another instead of against one another. A...

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