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Posts for Faith Category
Tragedy Struck.

Tragedy Struck.

My friend lost her Bible at church last week after an outdoor service. When she went back to find it, she didn’t. It was gone. She checked lost and found the next week. Not there. Then, the cover turned up. It had been placed on the recycling bun. It appeared to have been ripped from the spine! The guts were nowhere to be found.

The Bible had been a present from her sister. It had all her underlines and notes. It had been a constant companion over years, including a semester abroad, and a long...

When You Expect Evil to Win

When You Expect Evil to Win

There are seasons where everything feels hard.

They come and go.

In the best seasons, you think this joy will never end.

In the worst seasons, you...

Humor in the Book of Jonah

Humor in the Book of Jonah

There may be no more misunderstood book of the Bible than Jonah. We know that Jonah was a prophet. We know that Jonah lives...

Quality vs Quantity

Quality vs Quantity

Minimalist. I wish that described my nature. But it does not.

Opening my closet door while spanning the racks and shelves, I realize that I...

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The Thing About Humility

The Thing About Humility

“Three young men hopped on a bus in Detroit in the 1930s and tried to pick a fight with a lone man sitting at...

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Rest in Identity

Rest in Identity

One of the most important revelations we need to see in entering God’s rest is our identity in Christ. If we do not know...

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The First 30

The First 30

There are a lot of things that blow me away about Jesus. Things like: healing people and raising people from the dead and then...

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Plan Making and Breaking

Plan Making and Breaking

“Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.” – Proverbs 19:21

If there were a...

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The Power of Giving Up

The Power of Giving Up

Want to know a control freak’s nightmare?  2020. Every Type-A person in the world right now probably feels like someone who mapped out...

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Last week I wrote to you about Jesus being the answer. The only answer to every question. As frustrating as that can be in...

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