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Posts for Faith Category

Being Late to the Race

I’m late, kind of a lot.  Like, perpetually late.  I’m late the way other people are early.  You might could even call it dependably late.

I like to tell myself that this is my “thing.”  You know how that one person you know has that thing that makes them that one person?  That’s their thing!  Take for example a person I know, let’s call them “Stan.”  Every time I’m in a conversation with Stan, you can depend on him to take a joke a little too far.  Stan is an uncomfortable person to be around...

You Crave What You Eat

Bad news—scientific studies have proven it and our experience confirms it: you crave what you eat.  If you eat a cinnamon roll several mornings...

Why I Am a Protestant

University campuses have always been dangerous places. You never know where you might end up should you dare set foot on one. I doubt that...

Here is the world…

One of my favorite authors is Frederic Buechner. I still remember when I read his work for the first time. I was fresh out...

A Theology of The Walking Dead

Oh, The Walking Dead. How far it has come. From the beginning, with sweet, naive Rick waking up from a coma and finding the...

What is the Fear of God?

I had the good fortune of hearing Atul Gawande speak at Forsyth Medical Center on Tuesday. He is a great writer. The Malcolm Gladwell...

Risen Indeed

It’s more than a holiday. It’s more than bunnies and delicious candy. It’s even more than worship on a crisp, early Sunday morning with...

Hope Around the Table

I’m a part of an amazing community group at my church – the Young Women’s Supper Club.  Our congregation meets in a high school,...