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He Was Always Enough

He Was Always Enough

Submitted by Jaya Sumanth

She loved Him so much, because He was all she had. 

My Amachi (mother) was the oldest in a family of four daughters and no sons. In India, that meant that there were no sons to carry the duty and responsibility of caring for her family, so it rested upon her. 

In the 1960’s, the United States needed nurses so they were giving Visas to nurses abroad to come and work in America. 

There were many wealthy girls who could afford tutors in her school.  Amachi was not one...



About a month ago, I received a message on LinkedIn. It had been sent a few weeks back. Honestly, I didn’t even know you...

What If the Prodigal was Repetitious

What If the Prodigal was Repetitious

While recently socializing on my front porch with a few neighbors the topic of the prodigal son parable that Jesus told came up. Four...

Observations from Divinity School [Part 3]: Difference is Good

Observations from Divinity School [Part 3]: Difference is Good

In theory, most—though not as many as we would hope—agree that difference in life is a positive thing. From different experiences to different beliefs...

Show Me the Way

Show Me the Way

Last Friday was my dad’s 79th birthday, so I was thinking about him. I was thinking about the gifts he’s given me. I know...

If I Could Talk to the Animals

If I Could Talk to the Animals

Straight out of Man’s side, shameless and beautiful, Eve takes up dialogue with a serpent. This deviant reptile never got a rise out of...

A Theology for Easter Monday

A Theology for Easter Monday

The floor was littered with the remains of an aggressive session of gift opening on Christmas morning. At our house, Christmas morning was filled...

Tax Collectors and Hate

Tax Collectors and Hate

In my daily Scripture reading, I just finished up the gospels. As I read, I kept seeing something that both made me laugh and...

You’re Welcome

You’re Welcome

Winston-Salem friends, you’re welcome. We saved spring.

I got a distress call from Kim because there was a freeze warning last Thursday and the strawberries...

Writing as Liberation

Writing as Liberation

I feel like I’m not alone in saying the last year has been pretty crazy. Our whole world has been thrown for a loop,...
