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From My Mother’s Womb

Guest post by Lori Travers

I was surprisingly struck in a place of pain today as the congregation bellowed out the worship song,  “No Longer Slaves”. It’s like a light shot through my head and I was awakened to a stark, yet beautiful reality that brought me to tears. The particular verse I’m referring to is “From my mother’s womb You have chosen me, Your blood flows through my veins”.

I didn’t think much of the events surrounding my own birth…well, I don’t remember the events surrounding my birth. But from the time I can remember...

5 Good Reasons Why You Should Stop Complaining

A couple of years ago I was blessed with the opportunity to go on a mission trip to Nicaragua. It was an incredible experience...

Getting the Picture Perfect

Yesterday, I posted a picture (a collage, actually) on Instagram. It wasn’t your typical Easter post. There were no eggs or baskets, and...

Election Anxiety

This presidential election has many Americans anxious and bewildered.   For various reasons, both of the likely presidential candidates strike fear in the hearts of...

What God is Doing…

Earlier today, I was meeting with a man I have been coaching since September. He has had an extremely successful career but has been...

It’s OK to be Sad!

God’s way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to him for...

Cooking and Cleaning…Dangerously

Since I’ve been married, I’ve found a new affinity for the fine culinary arts.  Now I have to clarify, when I say “fine” culinary...

Finding Joy and Perspective Through Unexpected Surgery

What’s good y’all!?!? I hope a WHOLE lot! I hope this finds you doing so SUPER-DUPER well!

I wanted to give y’all a quick update...

How I Learned I Was Praying Wrong

I wish I could say that my prayer life is one defined by consistent authenticity and audacious faith, but if I’m being honest, prayer...

The Real You

I don’t think any of us wake up in the morning intending to be someone we’re not. It just sort of happens. Before we...
