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Posts by Jack Barr

Lasting Memories

Last month we spent time at the beach with family from Oklahoma. Jana’s five-year-old cousin from Oklahoma had never been to the beach,...

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Think Before You Complain

This morning I was jogging and listening to a radio station in NC. The DJ shared a story about a mother in Maryland saying...

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15 Years

I remember how nervous I was fifteen years ago while waiting for Jana to walk down the aisle at our wedding.  As I...

Calling Pitches

One of my new jobs in Tennessee is coaching baseball pitchers at a local high school.  The other night we played the top...

It’s OK to be Sad!

God’s way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to him for...

I will never…

Here we are, a family in disarray, because we are moving back to the States after a decade of living in Bangkok.  We are...

Compassion For Cats

But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your...

Aroma of God

A few weeks ago I started thinking about the Aroma of God. Often it is hard for me to think of a smell...
