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Posts by Ashlee Johnson
New Year, New Me…?

New Year, New Me…?

Welcome to January!

With all of its hope, possibility, and pressure, the start of a new year can be overwhelming.  This is a busy season...

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The Triumphal Entry: An Announcement for the Ages

The Triumphal Entry: An Announcement for the Ages

On Palm Sunday Christians around the world celebrate Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem just a few days before he was crucified.  Here are a few...

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Summer Fun For Apprehensive Mamas

Summer Fun For Apprehensive Mamas

I see you, my mama friend – a ball of mixed emotions as the school year draws to an end.  You have moments of...

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Valentines for the Real People

Valentines for the Real People

This week the world is a little more aware of relationships.  Whether we’re sending chocolates to a secret crush, buying flowers for a spouse,...

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Speaking Life From the Sidelines

Speaking Life From the Sidelines

My husband is the PTA President at our kids’ school, so we’re now more deeply connected to all the elementary “happenings.”  Our friend, Shane,...

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Not Half Bad

Not Half Bad

Ben and I went to college together.  We haven’t talked since graduation—which was more years ago than I’d like to admit—but his recent Instagram...

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Racism, Humility and the Gospel

Full disclosure: I’m a white female who grew up in a privileged area of Charlotte, NC, attended high school with mostly white kids, and...

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Racism, Humility, and the Gospel

Why I wholeheartedly believe the gospel is the only answer to racial reconciliation ...
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Honestly Thankful

Thanksgiving Day is here.  All over the country folks travel to be with family and friends, guys in countless neighborhoods play epic backyard football...

The Best Kind of Friend

As the Thanksgiving season nears, I’m increasingly grateful for my friends. My life is rich with friendships old and new, a beautiful mark of...
