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Posts by Tyler Speegle
The Cultures We Create For Our Kids

The Cultures We Create For Our Kids

I was about to post a vacation photo on social media last week, and a simple thought hit me out of nowhere. I realized...

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I Feel Like A Failure At Prayer (Here’s What I’m Doing About It)

I Feel Like A Failure At Prayer (Here’s What I’m Doing About It)

Over the years I’ve written several blog posts about prayer. Some have been about the ingredients of effective prayer and some have even been about how I...

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An Open Letter To My Unborn Daughter

An Open Letter To My Unborn Daughter

Dear Greylynn,

I’ve had this letter on my mind for a while now. I’m not sure where to even start, so I’ll just begin by...

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3 Keys for Stopping Shame In Its Tracks

3 Keys for Stopping Shame In Its Tracks

Several months ago I had an important meeting on my schedule and I spent several days preparing for it. I was a little nervous,...

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The Difficult Truth About Your Spiritual Health

At the end of every year, our church participates in a year-end offering where we make a sacrificial gift dedicated to growing and expanding...

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Why Your Calling Doesn’t Have to Be So Confusing

Why Your Calling Doesn’t Have to Be So Confusing

It was a few years ago when I first felt God put the idea of ministry on my heart. I was a little surprised....

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The #1 Threat to the Church

The #1 Threat to the Church

There’s a great threat looming over the Church right now. In my opinion, it’s the Church’s greatest threat. And it’s not doctrinal error, poor...

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Overcoming Hurry Sickness

Overcoming Hurry Sickness

I love being a dad. It’s an honor, a privilege, and a blessing I’m beyond grateful for. With that said, there are a few...

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20 Lessons I Learned From My Two-Year Old

When I became a dad a little over two years ago I knew I had a lot to learn about becoming a parent. What...

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Grace Doesn’t Make Sense (And That’s A Good Thing)

We’ve all heard the story of Zacchaeus and the sycamore tree. In fact, just the mention of his name is probably enough to bring...

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