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5 Random Jobs I’d Like to Have

As a SAHM, I don’t get too much time to dream of jobs I’d like to have. However, these are five jobs I...

Breaking Glass

Jesus was really cool. I mean that. No matter what He faced, He kept His face. He answered the antagonists with precision. He...


I read a piece of thought-provoking fiction tonight. It was approximately 32-pages long and entitled “There’s A Monster Under My Bed.”

The story is simple:...

The Pains and Problems of Our Nation

As I’ve scrolled through social media the past few days and witnessed the heartbreak and pain that is canvassing our country – I’ve felt a range of emotions.


What Death’s Taught Me

The Older You Get The Harder Life Becomes.

You get more responsibility, you’re exposed to more crap, and you’re affected by more disease, destruction and...

The Most Complete Vacation Packing List in the Galaxy

Have you ever arrived to your vacation spot only to be missing a crucial item?  It is more than a hassle.  It’s a distraction,...

5 Ways My Third Kid Gets the Short End of the Sibling Stick

It’s no secret that having multiple kids can really split your time, efforts, and finances. It can also weaken even the strongest parents’...

Papa – What Is It Like To Die?

A true story that I have always found incredibly inspiring is The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom. I have read the book and watched the film...

Were You There?

This week our church has been holding Vacation Bible School for the neighborhood. The team has a done a great job. My job was...

Does God Require Christians to Tithe?

The most frequent questions or comments I receive concerning Christian stewardship center on the topic of tithing. Will God curse Christians financially if...
