The most frequent questions or comments I receive concerning Christian stewardship center on the topic of tithing. Will God curse Christians financially if they don’t tithe? Is tithing a way to make certain God is happy with us financially? Is 10% the minimum a Christian should give?
In response to this interest, I’ve published a paper I wrote in seminary in 2012. While somewhat academic in tone, those who really want to explore the topic will find here much more than trite answers, gimmicks, and promises of blessings or curses. In this paper, I explore Hebrews 7:1-10, which I consider to be the clearest and most articulate passage on tithing in the New Testament. I’d go so far as to say that this one passage can clear up much misunderstanding; it’s the best biblical writing on the topic that Christians can consider. To download this paper, visit and click on Resources. The paper is there for you to download and use as a study over the summer.