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Slow Down

Y’all. Time is flying. Weather is cooling, decorations are twinkling, and the days go by so quickly! That could have a little bit...

Childhood Perspective

My parents recently celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary. You read that right. 50 years! That’s incredible to me on about twenty levels. 


Compassion For Cats

But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your...

Jesus’s Parents Gave Cheap “Christmas” Gifts

If your Christmas budget is tight, take heart, you’re in good company. Jesus’s parents were flat broke during the first Christmas. Luke gave...

A Pastor Case Study

In this ministry there are often themes that continue to present themselves no matter the location, denomination, or style of the church. One that...

Advent and Infertility: Waiting on a Baby

We all have longings and desires. We pray for God to save us, to rescue us, to heal us, to give us the desires...

Trimming the Tree: The Thought Processes of Preschoolers

I was so excited this year to get my Christmas decorations out and spend an evening with my family trimming the tree. Advent...

Some Thoughts on Thanksgiving

“We tend to take all the gifts and pleasures and happiness and the joy without saying much to God.  We take our health and...

ISIS, Fear and Why They Will Not Win

Adolf Hitler once said, “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”

Adolf Hitler ruthlessly used this strategy...

He Is Secure, Even If I’m Not

This weekend, unbeknownst to me, Hubby transitioned my little tiny baby J into his big boy bed.

Okay, so he’s not so tiny....
