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Posts for Family Life Category

Dating is not Marriage (Part One)

“…I charge you: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.” – The Song of Solomon 8:4

To marry someone, is to become one flesh with them. To DATE someone has ZERO equivalence with marriage. If we continue in today’s act of “dating” while applying the same romantic practices, both physically and emotionally, which are meant only for the covenant of marriage, we then arouse and awaken love before it’s ready – thus making a “break up” equivalent to divorce. How ever this culture of dating was made, whether through Hollywood or social...

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To the Girl Who is so Ready to be a Mama

This is a guest post by Ashleigh Gurley, you can follow her on instagram here. And make sure to check out her blog at...

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Looking for Patience

I’ve written again and again about losing my patience. Again and again, people comment… “Me too,” they say. “I know what you mean.” and...

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20 Lessons I Learned From My Two-Year Old

When I became a dad a little over two years ago I knew I had a lot to learn about becoming a parent. What...

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Growing Pains

The past couple of weeks have been a little tough on my family. We’re facing some growing pains of a particular kind. Our schedules...

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I’m Going to Run Over Your Ipad with My Car

Sunday mornings can be tough for families. Many times, Saturday has been filled with fun activities which can include staying up late. When Sunday...

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Dancing in the Rain

Dancing In The Rain

“My son and I have not missed a rain or snow storm in at least 4 years. We go outside and...

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I’m a mom of three. I’m a wife. I’m a friend, sister, daughter, writer, singer, colleague, and foodie. Which of those things says I...

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Father Figure

Someone once asked, “How were you comforted growing up? In what specific ways did you know and experience a sense being comforted?” Standing in...

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Lasting Memories

Last month we spent time at the beach with family from Oklahoma. Jana’s five-year-old cousin from Oklahoma had never been to the beach,...

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