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Posts for Family Life Category
How My Dog Made Me a Better Christian

How My Dog Made Me a Better Christian

The first time my wife told me she had found the perfect dog for us, I was intrigued. I say that because we have very different tastes in dogs. She is more partial to the smaller variety puppies, the ones that are easy to pick up and hold in your arm (singular) whenever you like. I lean more towards big dogs. I have this vision of owning a dog that I could potentially ride if needed. So when she said she had found the perfect dog for us, I was curious about the potential...

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Bedtime Confession

Bedtime Confession

One of the songs I sing to my son at bedtime is “Black Honey” by Thrice. I’ve listed the lyrics below, along with the...

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Four Great Christmas Books for Young Children

Four Great Christmas Books for Young Children

I have a big red bin full of books I pull out only during Advent and Christmas time. It includes silly ones about melting...

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What Are You Waiting For?

What Are You Waiting For?

A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.

Have you ever felt like a part...

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When Life Looks Perfect

When Life Looks Perfect

We’re all familiar with the phrase, “things aren’t what they seem.” Last week I saw a friend post a bright, positive and beaming photo...
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Do Well or Do Even Better

Do Well or Do Even Better

In an English class my senior year of high school, I proudly claimed I would never marry.

A short six months after, I dated a...

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Raging Rivers at Thanksgiving

Raging Rivers at Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving.  It only comes once a year.  Sometimes I wish it would come more.  The family, friends, food, football, fun, lasagna, etc.  Yes I...

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God Loves Celebrations

God Loves Celebrations

I’ve been privileged to take part in a great many celebrations. From weddings and anniversaries, baptisms and birthday parties, to dedications of babies and...

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3 Ways to Create Space for Your Family

3 Ways to Create Space for Your Family

I listened to a podcast the other day where the guest was asked how she fostered such closeness within her family unit. I absolutely...

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Destination: Beautiful

There was a band called MAE who released an album called Destination: Beautiful many moons ago. I always think about it when embarking upon...

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