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Posts for Family Life Category
The Back-to-School Feels

The Back-to-School Feels

Every year about this time, I am split right down the middle. I have combating feelings about the new start, about the schedule changing, and even the weather. There are things about summer I don’t want to lose, and things I can’t wait to get rid of. There are things about school and fall that I completely adore, and things I’m dreading just a bit. But I find that my children, God bless them, rise to every occasion.

While I’m over here mourning the close of the swimming pool, the theft of my freedom and...

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When Family Life is Chaotic

When Family Life is Chaotic

“Family”. The word conjures up all kinds of emotions in us. Some are sweet and sacred. Some are sour and scandalous. But blood is...

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The Years are Short

The Years are Short

If I’ve read it once, I’ve read it a thousand times: The days are long, but the years are short.

If I’ve been told once, I’ve...

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Nervous About Summer

Nervous About Summer

I don’t know about y’all, but I went through a few weeks where I was a little nervous about summer.

You know what I mean,...

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Dear Dads, The Ball is in Your Court

Dear Dads, The Ball is in Your Court

After having yet another heart-wrenching conversation with a young woman who has been terribly hurt by her father’s unhealed, critical soul, I feel the...

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The Essential Truth

The Essential Truth

Jesus made a lot of people mad in his day. He called people out. He exposed people’s sins. He accused them. He offended them....
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A bittersweet Mother’s Day

A bittersweet Mother’s Day

I’ve hated this picture since the moment I saw it.  There are many reasons for my dislike, all focused on me – my hormonal...

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An Open Letter To My Unborn Daughter

An Open Letter To My Unborn Daughter

Dear Greylynn,

I’ve had this letter on my mind for a while now. I’m not sure where to even start, so I’ll just begin by...

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A Kid’s Faith that Grows and Gos

A Kid’s Faith that Grows and Gos

This is Part 4 of a four-part series entitled, “Good King Jesus: Teaching Kids to Pray Boldly.” You can read Part 1 HERE, Part 2...

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My daughter’s fifth grade class has been studying the issue of immigration throughout American history. It’s been pretty awesome.

They read books. They wrote letters....

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