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Posts for Faith Category
To Know God is to Love Him

To Know God is to Love Him

[This is Part 3 of a larger piece entitled, “An Inquiry into The Incompatibility of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a Religious, Performance-Based Psychology”]


How Do We Overcome this Cycle?

How do we proceed from the knowledge of Truth – namely, the knowledge of total and complete acceptance, love, forgiveness, and security in him for you – into action? True love moves from affection into action. 1 John 5:3 says, “For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments.” True love rejoices...

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The Gospel Changes Your Mind

The Gospel Changes Your Mind

[This is Part 2 of a larger piece entitled, “An Inquiry into The Incompatibility of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a Religious, Performance-Based...

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Can You Earn the Gospel of Jesus?

Can You Earn the Gospel of Jesus?

[This is Part 1 of a larger piece entitled, “An Inquiry into The Incompatibility of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a Religious, Performance-Based...

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Jesus and the Mystery Religions

Jesus and the Mystery Religions

Over the course of the last century, some scholars have presented evidence that they believe shows that early first-century Christians, specifically Greek converts and...

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Works and Faith in Galatians

Works and Faith in Galatians

In my reading of Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians, the conflict that most interests me is the confrontation between those who see faith in...

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Longing for Home

Longing for Home

I just want to go home.

It’s a thought that has crossed my mind recently more often than I would have expected. My husband and...

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Creating Space in Silence for God to Speak

Creating Space in Silence for God to Speak

A few weeks ago, I turned the radio in my car off. I think it was an annoying commercial that I was hearing for...

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A Reason to Trust

A Reason to Trust

In times of crisis, in moments of uncertainty, amidst chaos, where do you turn? And, how do you turn? “I trust in God,” we...

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He’s Sovereign Over the Shuffle

He’s Sovereign Over the Shuffle

This past weekend, I ran my third half marathon. As usual on race day, I’m driving to the race, asking the Lord for strength,...

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When Spiritual Gifts Become Annoyances

When Spiritual Gifts Become Annoyances

My daughter was 21 at the time and she was dating this guy that seemed quite nice. We’ll call him Cody. They went on...

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