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Posts for Christian Life Category

Rx. For What’s Bugging You

Post by New Contributor Lori Travers!

You’ve got scabies.

This is not something you want to hear upon visiting your integrative doc’s office.

For a split second I was happy to hear that there was indeed a diagnosis…then reality hit.

At a very base level, this microscopic, but extremely annoying creature lives under the skin of humans. They cannot survive outside of a “host”. They can live there for weeks without the unsuspecting human ever noticing. But when the symptoms occur, they start out as small irritations…hardly noticeable. Then they become increasingly annoying…

scratch…scratch…SCRATCH!!  Eventually, the proverbial “all...

Humble Pie

Do you know what Bible verse I hate the most?

Well really, it’s actually a topic. Do you know what topic in the Bible I...

The Voice That Fills Our Voids

Have you ever tried watching a movie with a lot going on around you? Maybe you sat next to a “talker” or a “question...

Right Climb Wrong Mountain

There are fifty-four mountains in Colorado that are over fourteen thousand feet tall. Fourteeners they’re called. Catchy name. Creative. Well when my wife, dog...


Note: A guest post by Lori Travers.


Just the word alone brings a picture of “I SO LAY DOWN FEELING SHUNNED”.

Write Your Heart Out

This week, I spent time with Leighton Ford in his Charlotte home. Leighton, now well into his eighties, married Billy Graham’s youngest sister,...

Wedding Night Anticipation

OH that look. You know it. The mesmerized groom gazing toward the place where his bride will emerge from. Enough with the procession...

When Hope is Hard

When Hope is Hard

The honest words that are coming out of me right now are a stark reality that is hard for me to deal with. In...

Calling Pitches

One of my new jobs in Tennessee is coaching baseball pitchers at a local high school.  The other night we played the top...

A Parenthesis

There is a verse in the Bible. When it comes to mind, I often forget where it is because it is in Numbers and...
