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We are surrounded by a culture that thirsts for success. In both ability and character, it strives to be the best in every ounce of the word. Public icons with famous quotations seek to inspire the ambition it takes for the road to succeed. U.S. Army – “Be all that you can be;” Winston Churchill – “success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm;” Ralph Waldo Emerson – “self trust is the first secret of success.” Although there might be some truth in their words, their main source of motivation...

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Drop your net.

Learning to have patience and peace in the unknown ...
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You’re a Failure.

What does success actually mean? ...
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Leadership Challenge

I run a leadership program that helps young men and women figure out what they want to do with their lives,

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Coffee + Conversation = Blessing

I was sitting in Starbucks, skipping church. I got there eventually. I was on my way out actually when I saw my friend Nigel,...

Who Do I Think I Am?

I’m at a weird place in my life.  I know that’s pretty common for a person of 25 years.  Ascending into the world of...

Who will be at your funeral?

Take a minute to think about your funeral.  Morbid, I know.  But close your eyes and imagine what it would be like.  Who will...

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Soccer Can’t Last Forever, So What’s Next?

As a professional athlete, do you know what question I’ve been asked a gazillion times more than any other question?

“What will you do after...

Coffee and Decisions

I have a love/hate relationship with coffee.  I know, it’s weird for someone in my situation (grad school, young adult, ministry person, etc.) to...

How to Figure Out What God Wants You to Do – I’m Serious

It’s OK! I know the decision is HUGE! But God’s got it and He is HUGER!!! And I believe He wants to help you,...
