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Why Moral Relativism Doesn’t Really Work

Why Moral Relativism Doesn’t Really Work

Relativism is active in today’s world-both in social discourse and in academia. Often in sermons and apologetics, we hear about the evils of Relativism,...

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Raging Rivers at Thanksgiving

Raging Rivers at Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving.  It only comes once a year.  Sometimes I wish it would come more.  The family, friends, food, football, fun, lasagna, etc.  Yes I...

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But we all must die.

But we all must die.

“Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were young, you used to dress yourself and walk wherever you wanted, but when you are...

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This past summer a friend and I flew to Colorado for a weekend hiking trip. 48 hours and a few unmentionable mishaps later, we...

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Dear Survivors of Sexual Exploitation

Dear Survivors of Sexual Exploitation

I dread logging onto Twitter these days. It seems like every day new allegations are coming to light that implicate yet another public figure...

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The Unanswerable Question

The Unanswerable Question

A few years ago, a massive storm ripped through our neighborhood.  After the winds and rain subsided, my kids wanted to check on a...

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Searing of the Masses

Searing of the Masses

“Watch as the menacing Llama duo exit their car on a dark road at night, set some clothes on fire and then proceed to seemingly murder bassist/lyricist...

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False Humility

False Humility

 “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our...

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When Vows Become Real

When Vows Become Real

There is no other celebration on this earth quite like a wedding.

Almost any young girl grows up dreaming of what her wedding might be...

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An Argument for Compassion

An Argument for Compassion

“It’s the knowledge that there can never really be any peace and joy for me until there is peace and joy finally for you...

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