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Advent as an Act of Worship

Advent as an Act of Worship

In January, I goaled to finish all the books I put down, but never finished. Thankfully, the list was pretty short. One book on...

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REVIEW: The Last Jedi (Star Wars, Episode VIII)

REVIEW: The Last Jedi (Star Wars, Episode VIII)

“You underestimate the power of the dark side,” says Darth Vader to his son and desired apprentice Luke Skywalker. It’s one of those Star...

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Evangelical Wake Up Call

Evangelical Wake Up Call

Evangelical Wake Up Call

For most of my life I’ve considered myself an Evangelical Christian. And while I fully identify with the original meaning of...

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Taking L’s

Taking L’s

When is the last time you took a hard L? I don’t just mean a loss, but a brutal one. One that hurts. One...

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Christmas Is a Pagan Holiday

Christmas Is a Pagan Holiday

Jesus was not born on December 25th. We actually have no certain record of the date of His birth. There was early speculation that...

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Bedtime Confession

Bedtime Confession

One of the songs I sing to my son at bedtime is “Black Honey” by Thrice. I’ve listed the lyrics below, along with the...

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Four Great Christmas Books for Young Children

Four Great Christmas Books for Young Children

I have a big red bin full of books I pull out only during Advent and Christmas time. It includes silly ones about melting...

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Sloppy Christianity

Sloppy Christianity

“Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving.” Ephesians 5:4

Walking in...

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A Certain Significance

A Certain Significance

On a dark summer evening a couple of months ago, sitting cross-legged in my grandaddy’s oversized recliner chair, I became overwhelmingly convinced that my...

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The Manger

The Manger

I recently tried to describe this at church and failed miserably, but I’m going to try it here and see if I can’t do...

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