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Posts for Faith Category

The Meaning We Often Miss in Philippians 4:13

I’ve always scoffed when people quoted Philippians 4:13. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” it reads. It’s often taken to be this anthem of “I CAN DO EVERYTHING” and “I AM INVINCIBLE” and so on… and I’m not really a fan of that. I think we take that verse and polish it up with red, white, and blue, and make it sound a lot like the American dream. We tell ourselves if we believe in God, he will make everything happen for us– we can do everything with him on...

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“Be perfect; therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” –Matthew 5:48

The right response to this verse is to go be perfect, right? Right, so...

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A Tanner, By the Sea

When God revealed in Acts 10 that the salvation project was open to all, it happened at the home of Simon, a tanner, by...

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Hello Darkness, My Old Friend

It’s always kind of jolting that moment when you realize you haven’t thought about God in a while. You can’t remember the last time...

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Do You Know God?

In his magnum opus, Knowing God, J.I. Packer argues: it does not necessarily follow that if you know about God, then you know God...

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Returning to Joy

Recently I have been struggling with finding joy. Not joy that is eternal. But the joy that keeps you moving through the busyness and...

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In Faith and Doubt

When I first started to articulate my calling, I was told repeatedly that seminary would be a difficult time. I was told it would...

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Stop Complaining

I have always wondered why complaining is not taken as seriously as say, pride, or lust. Why is complaining not being confessed alongside drunkenness...

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Don’t Accept Jesus

I am currently traveling away from family on military duty and I have the opportunity to stay in my own apartment in a major...

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Jesus Had a Secret

It’s buried right there in plain sight. Right in the middle of the Christian pledge of allegiance – the Lord’s Prayer.

And, when he said...

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