Jared Odenbeck

Picture of Jared Odenbeck

Jared Odenbeck

Jared Odenbeck is a professional soccer player from Charlotte, NC. Jared graduated from Wake Forest University in December 2016 with a degree in English and Journalism. His greatest desire for his writing is that it would awaken the western Church to pure Gospel-centered truth and recapture the essence of unadultered Christianity.

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Christian Life


A little while ago, Upper Room, a church in Dallas, released a song that goes, “It may look like I’m

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Christian Life

The Reward You Seek

I think it’s vital that we take time to step outside of exclusively Christian literature or studies in order to

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A Unique Silence

There is a certain unique silence, a certain peculiar enveloping darkness that falls upon those who submit themselves entirely to

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Christian Life

What Will Set You Free

Recently, out of fascination and curiosity on the topic of anxiety, I began to read “Man’s Search for Himself” by

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Psalm 84

“Gladden the soul of your servant, for to you, O Lord, do I lift up my soul.” (‭‭Psalms‬ ‭86:4‬) The

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Christian Life

Heart Cry

Father, I need to know you. I need to understand the mystery of this Gospel. I know a lot about

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