There is a certain unique silence, a certain peculiar enveloping darkness that falls upon those who submit themselves entirely to the will of God. The silence comes not from separation, nor the darkness from isolation. The silence surrounds those who receive invitations to tranquility of soul. The darkness hangs heavy to steal away directional desire.
It is like finding yourself in the vastness of the Sea, far removed from any sight of land, far removed from any discernible familiarity. The unknown. Here, there is no room for control. You must surrender to the greatness and grandeur of the Sea. In it and by its power, you will move this way or that.
Yet, stillness often stands in for movement. The paralysis unnerves the novice, who believes that he is shipwrecked and stripped from his desired course. The stillness invites, even begs his soul, for movement. But it is he who gladly acquiesces to the temptation to swim who will yet soon find himself exhausted, dejected, and frustrated after lengthy bouts against the unconquerable Current. He appears, and feels, like a fool. It is this humbling of spirit that triumphs over his effort and sparks the final surrender of his will before he fully submits himself to the mercies of the Sea.
The experienced wayfarer, however, claws not against the waves and the rushing tides, but floats in rest and delight in the buoyancy that comes from a trust that aligns his desires with the Sea’s. It creates a seamless synchronicity of movement and rhythm. The Sea carries him where it will and it is his joy, yes, even his supreme desire, even at the expense of finding himself blown off-course, for his destination is not land, nor safety, but preparation for his final destination.
If at last a sight of shore arrives in the final watch of the night, all must learn to wait on all the longer, even as the desire to swim and claw and feel the familiarity of sand between the toes overwhelm even the most experienced traveler. The Sea carried him this far and it will surely carry him safe and secure onto the next page of his book. For while the Author knows the every twist and turn of the tale, the characters’ every move springs from that which most pleases the Author.