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The Gospel Message and Money

I have found in my time in this ministry that most pastors would like to separate themselves from anything that has to do with...

He Could Be My Son

This boy – five years old – having seen more than many children will see in their entire lives, has shocked our country...

Hitting Reset

There is a treadmill at my gym that seems to have a mind of its own.  Some days, I can walk an hour straight...

Imagining the Impossible

My dad has worked my entire life in a steel fabrication shop, cutting and welding together heavy plates of steel to make other things. ...

Water Slide

Grasping onto futility is painful. Letting go affords less pain, but frequently more fear. So we decide in that “rock-and-hard-place” place to hold...

New Pastures

There’s a farm near our house. For my agriculture-inclined husband, it’s the perfect escape from our sweet townhouse community. For me, it gives me...

Why Your Faith Doesn’t Belong in a Box

Growing up in the South there really isn’t a question as to whether or not you will go to church. The only question is...

Childhood Unplugged

I bet you read the title to this post, and thought I was one of those no-technology, stick-to-the-outdoors sort of moms that somehow...

What Is That In Your Hand?

Last year a close friend invited me to accompany her to a church service that I don’t normally attend. Mike Pilavachi was speaking. I’d never heard...

Oops, I Did It Again

I’ve made an inordinate amount of costly blunders this summer.  It’s embarrassing, actually.  For starters, one afternoon I turned the sprinkler on in our...
