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Posts by Nathan Ealy

Wrestling with God on What to Give

Navigating financial generosity. ...
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Surprise! God is True to His Word

We’ve all heard that if we give generously God will bless us. It’s almost cliché at this point and that’s why I want to...

The Gospel Message and Money

I have found in my time in this ministry that most pastors would like to separate themselves from anything that has to do with...

Campaign Stories

A big part of my job is helping churches raise money to build or renovate, or to get rid of debt. While fundraising is...

6 Arguments Against Online Giving

It’s 2016 but I still receive pushback in churches about offering electronic giving to their members. There are always reasons for the pushback and...

Can You Afford Not to Give?

I recently read an article by someone I admire called, “Can Your People Afford to Give?” The article went in depth on how many...

Zacchaeus’ Financial Decision

Remember the story of Zacchaeus? Of course you do, and you remember the song that goes with it too.

Our church has been going through...

Does God Really Own it All?

I’ve heard people say they were put in a specific job or ministry because God needed to work on them the most. That is...

4 Trends in Giving

As I travel and visit churches of all shape, size, and denomination I am beginning to see consistent trends across all churches. Here are...

4 Ways Church Staff Can Encourage Generosity

I was in a meeting recently with local church administrative assistants that was so far out of my league I decided to write a...
