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Are You Bad With Money?

I regularly hear people tell me, “I’m bad with money,” or, “She’s good with money.” What does it even mean to be “bad”...

The Giving Moment Mistake

We are in a brave new world when it comes to preaching and teaching about generosity. In the past generation most leaders in the...

The Thing I Thought I’d Never Do

As the mother of a six year old with autism, I have learned many different strategies to prevent behavior problems from occurring.  When Fletcher...

Cooking and Cleaning…Dangerously

Since I’ve been married, I’ve found a new affinity for the fine culinary arts.  Now I have to clarify, when I say “fine” culinary...

Finding Joy and Perspective Through Unexpected Surgery

What’s good y’all!?!? I hope a WHOLE lot! I hope this finds you doing so SUPER-DUPER well!

I wanted to give y’all a quick update...

How I Learned I Was Praying Wrong

I wish I could say that my prayer life is one defined by consistent authenticity and audacious faith, but if I’m being honest, prayer...

The Real You

I don’t think any of us wake up in the morning intending to be someone we’re not. It just sort of happens. Before we...

Why I Am a Protestant

University campuses have always been dangerous places. You never know where you might end up should you dare set foot on one. I doubt that...

The Boy I Loved

Not that long ago, I was a silly, young girl, head over heels for a boy I had just met. Not long ago,...

You are the Peace in my Troubled Sea

Coming home without Leah was one of the saddest, loneliest experiences of my entire life. I had spent the previous two and a half...
