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The Mommy Bloggers: Why Are They So Bad?

I read a disturbing article recently, bashing “mommy bloggers”. Somewhere along the way, we’ve labeled mothers who write, on blogs and/or elsewhere, with...

Does God Really Own it All?

I’ve heard people say they were put in a specific job or ministry because God needed to work on them the most. That is...

You Crave What You Eat

Bad news—scientific studies have proven it and our experience confirms it: you crave what you eat.  If you eat a cinnamon roll several mornings...

FREE Resource from Tommy Brown

Frequent contributor to the MyBigJesus Blog, Tommy Brown, has written a new e-book that he would like to give away to our readers. Here is...

Black Church / White Church

Being born and bred in urban New Jersey I lived among a diversity of ethnic groups. I was profoundly aware of my Italian...

Why I Stopped Avoiding Conviction and Started Embracing It

For most of my life I have been a church-goer and surrounded by Christians. My parents had us in church most Sundays and they...

Following Jesus To the Polls

Who are you voting for? Oh, am I not supposed to ask that? Wait, you did know that we’re in the midst of one...

My 5 Stages of Grief When My Alarm Goes Off

Getting up in the morning is hard. I’m not a morning person until I’ve had a little caffeine injected into my system, and...

Slow Down … A Mother’s Day Reminder

I have a vivid memory of bringing our first little boy home. Being a mom was all I ever wanted to be. We set...

Pink Eye

So two days after I returned from Harry Potter World, I woke up to my eyes glued shut! I think I remember something like...
