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Posts Tagged Faith

Please Accept My Apology

There are approximately 7.4 BILLION people in the world. Originating from different cultures, nationalities, backgrounds, experiences, they all contain unique DNA. I just...

6 Arguments Against Online Giving

It’s 2016 but I still receive pushback in churches about offering electronic giving to their members. There are always reasons for the pushback and...

Breaking Glass

Jesus was really cool. I mean that. No matter what He faced, He kept His face. He answered the antagonists with precision. He...


I wouldn’t consider myself a bugphobe, but it’s difficult not to notice when a good sized, woods cockroach goes scampering across your patio...

Hitting Snooze

We all know that dreaded sound.  The shrill, electronic shrieking that demolishes our dreams and pulls us, unwillingly, from the blissful mires of sleepland. ...


My husband and I had an argument a few nights ago. Well, to be honest, it was more of a know the...

Jesus Dream

I stood outside of a high-steepled church sensing my need to go inside. Opening the broad, wooden door I viewed the familiar granite...

Fear and a Swinging Bridge

Reading the classic Hind’s Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard years ago, to my dismay, I related a little too closely to...

Being Late to the Race

I’m late, kind of a lot.  Like, perpetually late.  I’m late the way other people are early.  You might could even call it dependably...

You Crave What You Eat

Bad news—scientific studies have proven it and our experience confirms it: you crave what you eat.  If you eat a cinnamon roll several mornings...
