Standard – With Sidebar
We Long to Be Seen
- June 10, 2024
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- Chris Lawson
Jesus sees you. He really sees you. He sees everything about you. Jesus sees you and loves you. And, because he sees you and loves you, you can live securely.
And that is the best good news ever.
The world is moving at an unprecedented pace (even, or especially, during COVID). More news, more social media, more email, more texts, more…more…more of everything – and more than we can handle.
One side effect of this increase is that many people are increasing feeling missed.
And this is not the way Jesus intended it to...
Confident Faith
- June 10, 2024
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- Taber Cheo
Confident faith is displayed throughout the Bible since the beginning. For a list of references, check out the book of Hebrews, chapter 11. This may also be known as the “hall of faith.” This list consists of people in the old testament who stood in radical faith even before the Holy Spirit was poured out. They are our forefathers in the faith. They were written down as examples of what true faith looks like. But we who have received His Spirit are called to an even greater level of faith....
Sorry…You’re Not “One in a Million”
- June 06, 2024
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- Pete Hardesty
What makes you unique?
“Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.” –Oscar Wilde, author
One of my best friends is a soccer fanatic. His name is Romesh, and he walked onto the University of Virginia’s men’s soccer team at the height of its dominance. The UVA men’s team had won the national championship in 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, and 1994—five out of six years. Romesh walked on in 1995, so he was good. Like, really good.
For his thirtieth birthday, Romesh and I traveled to England, and his incredible wife, Lawson, sent us...
Moses and the Hero’s Journey
- June 06, 2024
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- Sage Blalock
In the second part of our series on the Hero’s Journey, we are going to take a look at Moses’ story from Exodus. I’ll be using an excellent presentation on the subject created by Kate Bosh) which you can access for yourself here) to guide us through.
In Exodus 3, Moses receives his Call to Adventure from God via the Burning Bush. The Lord tells Moses that He has seen the pain and suffering of the Hebrews and that He will now send them a figure to lead them out of...
The Miracle of Technology
- June 06, 2024
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- Ned Erickson
When you look at the history of, say, the world, one of the most important instigators to transformation has been the way we communicate. It began with spoken words, and we all know how the game of telephone goes. The thing is, when that was the only way you could get the message across, you became good at it. Really good. But no matter how good oral communication was and is, you are always stuck with one person speaking it to another.
Then came writing. And that was a game changer...
Race and a House Divided
- January 15, 2024
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- Lori Travers
We are in a war.
“Quite observant of you”, you might say sarcastically. But I’m not talking about the warlike terrain that is sweeping across some major cities of our nation. For those vulnerable citizens who have chosen to make these burned-out, incinerated, looted spaces their homes and places of business, I am truly sorry for your loss. May the oppression cease.
What my focus is in this space has more to do with the lack of unity in the church over the topic of race. Or maybe it’s simply a lack...