You Might Be a Liar
- April 18, 2018
- by
- Esther Followwill-Johnson
Have you ever heard the phrase, “Nice to meet you! I lie a lot.” NO. There isn’t a single person who identifies themselves that...
Which Came First: The Man or the Primordial Soup?
- April 18, 2018
- by
- Lori Travers
Does it really matter what we believe about God and man, creation or Evolution, literal 24- hour periods or “thousand-year days”? I spent a...
The Beauty of Reconciling
- April 17, 2018
- by
- Meg Rodriguez
I am continuously amazed by the beauty that the Lord has threaded through the brokenness here on earth. In fact, beauty amidst brokenness is...
- April 16, 2018
- by
- Ned Erickson
What’s that quote about insanity again? The one about the definition?
You remember it: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting...
REVIEW: A Quiet Place
- April 16, 2018
- by
- Heather Moore
“How can anyone bring a child into this world?”
Have you ever heard someone say those words, or perhaps said them yourself? In many ways...
Do Not Go Down to Egypt [Part 1]
- April 16, 2018
- by
- Jared Odenbeck
This is part one of three in a series on Isaiah 30.
Before I write anything at all, I must admit that I am...
Closets and Heart Clutter
- April 12, 2018
- by
- Tatum Fishel
Dare I say we have finally made it to spring? I fear that if I actually write that statement, we will get another snow!...
Why the Hardest (and Best) Thing to Do is Just Show Up
- April 12, 2018
- by
- Rachel Dawson
Showing up seems simple.
I just go, and there I am. I’m there. I showed up. Easy.
More and more, though, I’m realizing the showing up...
We Don’t Want Your Thoughts and Prayers
- April 10, 2018
- by
- James Harris
I am so easily offended.
In our current political climate, there is a lot of talk about gun reform. With high profile, mass shootings happening...
How Can Christianity be Exclusive and Inclusive?
- April 09, 2018
- by
- Sage Blalock
As many have said before, Christianity is an exclusive religion. The fundamental teaching is that forgiveness of sins and salvation can only come through...