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Posts for Leadership Category
When You Fail

When You Fail

We all start with such optimism.

New year! New you!

Lose weight? Yes, please!

Read the Bible more? Yes, please!

Exercise every day? Yes, please!

Go to bed early and get up early? Yes, please!

New year! New you?

Not so much…

Just over three weeks in and I have failed. Failed a lot!

And, I bet you too.

Cheated on my diet? Check!

Too tired to read every day? Check!

Failed to go for a run before I start my work day? Check!

Stayed up too late watching Netflix? Check!

Just over three weeks in and I have failed. Failed a lot!

And, I bet you too.

As I...

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How to Set Boundaries (and Why it Matters)

How to Set Boundaries (and Why it Matters)

We live in a culture of hard work and hustle and making things happen. We’re accessible at all times, we’re connected constantly, and we...

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Jesus and the Hero’s Journey

Jesus and the Hero’s Journey

This is the third and final installment of my Hero’s Journey series, the payoff you’ve all been waiting for! Today we’re going to look...

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Moses, Jesus, and the Hero’s Journey

Moses, Jesus, and the Hero’s Journey

What is the Hero’s Journey?

The Hero’s Journey is a concept from comparative mythology discovered/developed by renowned literature professor and mythologist Joseph Campbell. As...

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Speaking Life From the Sidelines

Speaking Life From the Sidelines

My husband is the PTA President at our kids’ school, so we’re now more deeply connected to all the elementary “happenings.”  Our friend, Shane,...

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Why Christians Should Read (And Not Just the Bible)

Why Christians Should Read (And Not Just the Bible)

One of the most important things I’ve discovered in my seven years in college (sigh) is that reading is an amazing thing. Like many...

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The Art of Juggling

The Art of Juggling

In this season, the juggling emoji has become my favorite. It’s the picture of the girl who has on a black cap, a red...

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Four Tips for Difficult Conversations

Four Tips for Difficult Conversations

“Do you think she needs counseling?”

That was the abrupt beginning to a hard conversation with a friend last night.

Earlier in the day, my daughter...

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The Key to Success is Knowing You’ve Succeeded

The Key to Success is Knowing You’ve Succeeded

“Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing” – Luke 23:34

Before considering the road to success, we must...

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10 Leadership Lessons I Learned on the Bourbon Trail [Part 2]

10 Leadership Lessons I Learned on the Bourbon Trail [Part 2]

A month ago a crew road tripped down to Kentucky to explore and take in the sights.  Check out the highlights of the trip HERE....

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