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Posts by Ned Erickson
The Thing About Humility

The Thing About Humility

“Three young men hopped on a bus in Detroit in the 1930s and tried to pick a fight with a lone man sitting at...

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Thanksgiving Prepping

Thanksgiving Prepping

We had several friends over for dinner tonight for a pre-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving…It made we want to look up some quotes that I had looked...

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How to Move Mountains

How to Move Mountains

Lao Tzu – the ancient mystic Chinese philosopher (how’s that for a title) – is quoted having said: “A journey of a thousand miles...

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The First 30

The First 30

There are a lot of things that blow me away about Jesus. Things like: healing people and raising people from the dead and then...

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When Love is Silence

When Love is Silence

I have been learning about love lately. My daughter, who is like the Rubix Cube of people, is constantly teaching me. Her style is...

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Rethinking Leadership

Rethinking Leadership

I was asked to interview the new leader of Young Life in Hong Kong last week. I haven’t written the article yet so I...

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The Wholeness Diagram

The Wholeness Diagram

I’ve got two kids. My wife does too. They are the same ones. They couldn’t be more different.

I don’t remember doing anything different trying...

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Stat that Kick My Tail

Stat that Kick My Tail

Dr. Julianne Holt-Lunstad is a faculty member at Brigham Young University. She along with her colleagues have been studying the connection between social connection...

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Apologies Up Front. This Might Turn Into a Rant.

Apologies Up Front. This Might Turn Into a Rant.

I was at a wedding this weekend and during the sit-down part this woman and her husband engaged me in conversation.

She said, “So what...

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A Pen and a Bike

A Pen and a Bike

I was driving on the Parkway last Tuesday. It was raining, foggy, with poor visibility. I rounded this turn and came across a guy...

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