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Posts by Lori Travers
When Family Life is Chaotic

When Family Life is Chaotic

“Family”. The word conjures up all kinds of emotions in us. Some are sweet and sacred. Some are sour and scandalous. But blood is...

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I Don’t Watch the News Anymore

I Don’t Watch the News Anymore

Shootings, robberies, upheavals, heated debates, polarization, slander, horrific acts of violence, protests, wars, political rhetoric, shock value, jealousy, hatred, discord, divorce, gossip, left/right spin…media...

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Why Sexual Sin Wreaks Havoc

Why Sexual Sin Wreaks Havoc

1960’s Sexual Revolution became a turning point in the direction of American culture morality. Many of us Baby Boomers were caught up in the...

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This Bird was Meant for More

This Bird was Meant for More

Amazed at the beauty of this awesome winged creature, I drew closer to the cage for an up-close-and-personal shot. My presence apparently spooked the...

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Dear Dads, The Ball is in Your Court

Dear Dads, The Ball is in Your Court

After having yet another heart-wrenching conversation with a young woman who has been terribly hurt by her father’s unhealed, critical soul, I feel the...

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Which Came First: The Man or the Primordial Soup?

Which Came First: The Man or the Primordial Soup?

Does it really matter what we believe about God and man, creation or Evolution, literal 24- hour periods or “thousand-year days”? I spent a...

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Gluttony and God’s Kids: When is Enough, Enough?

Gluttony and God’s Kids: When is Enough, Enough?

Ever go to a “covered dish” event, fill your plate to overflowing with assortments of “salads” saturated with mayo, cheese, bacon bits, and other...

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Sin and the Cinema

Sin and the Cinema

Restored relationships, wildly pumping adrenaline, political frustration, belly laughter chasing away the blues, tears flowing from subconscious depths, horror provocation, religious confusion, sexual desire...

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Missing Mr. Rogers

Missing Mr. Rogers

Early afternoon “down” time when my kids were kids, typically included a sort-of healthy snack, plopping down on the couch, flipping on the TV,...

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Concentration and Focus: Close to Extinction?

Concentration and Focus: Close to Extinction?

Bounding up the stairs into my bedroom at breakneck speed with adrenaline flowing, I find myself standing in my bedroom scratching my head wondering...

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