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Posts by Lori Travers
Maybe Something is Written in the Sky

Maybe Something is Written in the Sky

Perched on the front steps of my home and wrapped in a blanket late last night, I stayed up to watch the Super Blood...

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How the Grinch Stole My Heart

How the Grinch Stole My Heart

I’m not much for animated movies. Maybe I lack pure imagination, but I tend to be drawn to true stories, documentaries, interviews, etc. So,...

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Awful Attitude and the Story of Christmas

Awful Attitude and the Story of Christmas

Sometimes my attitude stinks. Though it’s a season of joy and sparkles, I still find myself brooding, and I know this isn’t becoming for...

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Baby Steps in the Pro-Life Movement

Baby Steps in the Pro-Life Movement

In 1988 I stood outside of an abortion clinic holding a sign depicting an aborted fetus. I found myself immersed in the necessity to...

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When Your Dog Dies

When Your Dog Dies

When my vet approached me with blood test results from my Bichon, Frosty, it felt like a gut punch. She informed me that he...

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When Spiritual Gifts Become Annoyances

When Spiritual Gifts Become Annoyances

My daughter was 21 at the time and she was dating this guy that seemed quite nice. We’ll call him Cody. They went on...

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When I Lose My Sense of Direction

When I Lose My Sense of Direction

I’m a bit A.D.D.  I typically forget where in the world my car is parked amidst the sea of other white vehicles in the...

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Mind Altering Tactics of a Cult

Mind Altering Tactics of a Cult

Charles Manson: What images come to mind when you hear that name? Some of you may be too young to even be aware of...

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“Social Pedia” and the Mind of a Child

“Social Pedia” and the Mind of a Child

“Social pedia?…oh, wait, I mean social media!”

As I was in a meeting with my friend, Chris, he was referring to our outreach in Everyday...

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Moving Day

Moving Day

Fifteen years ago, our self-move, Penske, “unlimited miles” truck rambled down over state lines from New Jersey to North Carolina. Along with 2 fully...

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