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Posts Tagged Relationships

Halloween Fail

My family is a Disney-loving crew. Hubby and I grew up watching the movies, visiting Disney world, collecting paraphernalia and loving every minute,...

The Best Kind of Friend

As the Thanksgiving season nears, I’m increasingly grateful for my friends. My life is rich with friendships old and new, a beautiful mark of...

Feeling All the Feels

Sometimes I feel like I do everything. I’ve fed them, bathed them, clothed them, entertained them, and put them to bed. I’ve done all the...

Hope Deferred

This Saturday I’ll have the honor of standing next to one of my dearest friends as she says, “I do” to the man of...

The Boy I Loved

Not that long ago, I was a silly, young girl, head over heels for a boy I had just met. Not long ago,...

It’s Not Always Hard

I’m sure they had the best of intentions. They saw two barely-adult kids, giddy with excitement and flaunting a diamond only large because it...

Why The Christians Can’t Afford To Remain Silent About Sex

I will never forget my first sexual education experience. I sat in a classroom next to a dozen of my pre-pubescent friends as we...

Putting an End to Valentine’s Day

Is that love in the air? Or has popular culture just blasted us with so many ads that at this point all of...

We’ve Got a Good Life

Sometimes, it’s easy to get lost in the day-to-day grind, where you’re cleaning something about 60% of the day, and preventing disaster the...

Life Lessons Learned While Being A Sister

I have vivid memories about my grandmother. My dad’s mom was everything in my little world. Images of her hands cooking and caring...
