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4 Trends in Giving

As I travel and visit churches of all shape, size, and denomination I am beginning to see consistent trends across all churches. Here are...

Three Tools You’ll Need to Climb Out of Debt

In 2003 my wife and I were $32,000 in debt. I was a youth minister; she was a middle school teacher—we weren’t exactly...

April, and Beyond

During my senior year of high school, I served as student body president, and my number one goal was to make our faculty advisor...

A Mom’s Day In the Car

Last week, my family did the unthinkable: we took a road trip. 

Now, I don’t say that because we didn’t want to leave...

5 Good Reasons Why You Should Stop Complaining

A couple of years ago I was blessed with the opportunity to go on a mission trip to Nicaragua. It was an incredible experience...

Soccer Can’t Last Forever, So What’s Next?

As a professional athlete, do you know what question I’ve been asked a gazillion times more than any other question?

“What will you do after...

Why I Am a Protestant

University campuses have always been dangerous places. You never know where you might end up should you dare set foot on one. I doubt that...

Getting the Picture Perfect

Yesterday, I posted a picture (a collage, actually) on Instagram. It wasn’t your typical Easter post. There were no eggs or baskets, and...

Our faith keeps us from being swallowed by despair

Shortly after Leah was diagnosed, our local community started fund-raising for us. We had been advised by our haematologist that the house that we...

The Time of Amazing Things

My friends, we have arrived at one of the best times of the year.  No, not spring.  Okay, yes Easter a little bit.  But...
