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A Theology of Suffering

Malcolm Duncan is one of my favourite N. Ireland Bible teachers. I first heard him live at New Horizon in 2014, a few months after...

Good King Jesus: Teaching Kids to Pray Boldly

Note: This is Part 1 in a four-part series of posts on teaching our children to pray boldly and confidently by seeing Jesus as...

Growing Pains

I can remember being in bed when I was a child and feeling an ache in my knees and feet.

My mother walked across the...

Loving Her Too: Mother’s Day for Bio Moms

Mother’s Day is one of those holidays that I always took advantage of. My mom? She’s the bomb. She sacrifices, loves, and laughs...

The Treasure is Close

Children find treasure everywhere: a sparkly section of a rock = crystal; an old piece of metal with a point = ancient arrowhead. This one rock...

Freedom from My Mommy Guilt

Everyone tells you that the third baby is easy. He will be flexible! He will sleep anywhere! He will be calm! He will...

Who Do I Think I Am?

I’m at a weird place in my life.  I know that’s pretty common for a person of 25 years.  Ascending into the world of...

Everybody Benefits

Every weekday morning, I walk my six year old son to his classroom, and every morning he expects to see his beloved teacher, Ms....

Rx. For What’s Bugging You

Post by New Contributor Lori Travers!

You’ve got scabies.

This is not something you want to hear upon visiting your integrative doc’s office.

For a split...

Don’t watch movies like a baby

I sometimes watch movies like a baby, just taking everything in and not thinking about it one bit.  I love movies but am not...
