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The Miracle of Technology

The Miracle of Technology

When you look at the history of, say, the world, one of the most important instigators to transformation has been the way we communicate. It began with spoken words, and we all know how the game of telephone goes. The thing is, when that was the only way you could get the message across, you became good at it. Really good. But no matter how good oral communication was and is, you are always stuck with one person speaking it...

Race and a House Divided

Race and a House Divided

We are in a war.

“Quite observant of you”, you might say sarcastically. But I’m not talking about the warlike terrain that is sweeping across some major cities of our nation. For those vulnerable citizens who have chosen to make these burned-out, incinerated, looted spaces their homes and places of business, I am truly sorry for your loss. May the oppression cease.

What my focus is in this space has more to do with the lack of unity in the church over...

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New Year, New Me…?

New Year, New Me…?

Welcome to January!

With all of its hope, possibility, and pressure, the start of a new year can be overwhelming.  This is a busy season for all of the self-help gurus, local gyms, and nutrition coaches.  But for the rest of us, it’s time to re-set, re-focus, and re-imagine our lives.

I love a fresh start, a clean slate, a blank page.  My soul takes a deep breath at the opportunity to begin afresh, to try something new, to experience change.  Though...

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Let God Be Your New Year’s Resolution

Let God Be Your New Year’s Resolution

I’ve never been very good at making resolutions or setting goals, of any sort, really. I mean, I’ve made fitness goals in the short-term, followed training plans, and managed to keep up with diet goals for a few weeks at a time. As a student, I set goals for grades per semester and usually managed to achieve them. But as far as general life goals, New Year’s Resolutions, or the like, I don’t even bother to set them. It’s...

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Hope in a New Year

Have you ever heard the song “Same Old Lang Syne” by Dan Fogelberg? You probably have. Every Christmas season it comes on the radio sporadically, and it is a strange tune indeed. The song is about a man seeing an old lover in a grocery store, and then going and drinking a six pack in a parking lot, reminiscing about the different paths their lives took. It has an admittedly depressing feel to it, and ends with the line, “and...

Year End Giving

Year End Giving

When is a good time to talk about giving? Now that I’ve not only been attending church, but have worked for the church for some time, I’ve noticed rhythms and patterns in the church year. Every pastor I’ve served under has tackled the difficult task of getting in front of their congregation and delivering the “tithing sermon.” You know the one. Sometimes pastors even say something like, “That’s right, this is the tithing sermon,” to ease tensions. Rarely does it...

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