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Your Jesus is Too Small

It’s a hidden little story in the midst of the grand narrative of royal David. The one destined to occupy the throne is running from its current tenant, King Saul. Samuel had anointed the youngest son of Jesse – the forgotten son – the next leader. Until then, the king elect waited…and waited…and waited some more.

We find David hiding in a cave when we read: “And everyone who was in distress, and everyone who was in debt, and everyone who...


I always wonder what people think the first time they hear my voice. “Wow, I didn’t expect you to be that nasally.” “Hmm, surprisingly gentle, yet manly.” “Josh Groban?!” Sure one of those is probably more likely than the other two (hint: not the Josh Groban reference) but nonetheless, it is true that different voices associate different things. For example, when most people I know hear the voice of Morgan Freeman, they associate it with God in the movie Bruce Almighty. Likewise, when people...

How to Wash Stinky Feet

John 13 contains one of the Gospel’s most poignant interactions between Jesus and his disciples.  Here we see Jesus taking on the most lowly, menial task of a household servant.  John reports that even after Judas Iscariot decided to betray him, “Jesus loved [his disciples] to the end” by taking off his outer garment, tying a towel around his waist, and washing their dirty, stinky feet. I’ve heard or read many teachings on this passage and most of them conclude with...