Post: My Word for 2020 is: “WORD”

Downsizing recently, I found myself unloading piles of books to Goodwill. One and half years later the pile grew once again and I still have bookshelves loaded down with more amazing, deep, reading material.

I LOVE reading. I’d rather read than do almost anything else. I love the word-creativity of a myriad of authors…flowery, adjective replete writings, down-to-earth, gritty writers, humorous writers and serious ones, light writers and heavy ones. I love books that are true-to-life stories, non-fiction informational reading, self-help type books, and good, wholesome fiction. I’d rather read than exercise, cook, clean, shower, or even answer the phone. I take a good book with me to the beach, to the waiting room, and to my bed at night. Being a slow reader…eyeing every word the author thought through to make his or her point…it takes me a while to finish a book. But if I really like it, I’ll gladly read it again.

So, as this baby decade was birthed, I pondered reading material I would bury myself in. But quickly, I perceived the Spirit of God whispering, “My Word.”

Having a relationship with the Lord longer than many who read this have been alive, I have read through the bible many times. I’ve labored through Leviticus, have been intrigued by Isaiah, often reveled over Romans, and ruminated the complexities of Revelation.

But this truly is the year of new sight, seeing God’s Word with new eyes, minus preconceived notions of what I need it to say. This is no easy endeavor for someone who likes things to be simple, sweet, nicely fitting into my dreams of what I expect God to do and how to act. I’m going in cold, eyes wide open and mind bent on learning, on understanding, and internalizing these age-old truths meant to set us free to live as God has meant us to from the beginning of time. When will I learn?

One of the ways God gifted me in 2020 to experience His Word is through The Daily Audio Bible app. This has already been precious times spent hearing the Word as it’s spoken by a man whose voice is welcoming and believable. The idea is to read through the bible in a year as the reader (a guy named Brian) goes through passages in the Old and New Testaments, a Psalm, and a Proverb each day of the year. But it’s more than reading…it’s a community of people who are along for this journey as Brian gives intro statements before each reading and closing statements after.

Here’s the vision of Daily Audio Bible as written on their website:

Our ultimate goal is to provide the spoken Word of God to as many people as will listen in every region of the world that God will allow using whatever means God will allow for as long as God will allow. To be people of the Scriptures, fervent in prayer and having a daily and intimate walk with God. To build stable and Christ honoring community as we take our place in the global advancement of the Kingdom of God.

I’m really excited about this. Books are great…but THE BOOK is what is life-changing, God-honoring, and contains everything we need for “life and godliness”.

We’re all in different places on this journey of life and there is no shame if you aren’t in a season where you feel you are unable to listen, read, or take in large chunks of scripture daily. I’ve been in the “verse by verse, chapter by chapter” type churches and teachings. That is good, but I want His Spirit to awaken in me the reality of His precious Word in the specific context of my life experience currently. In other words, I need God’s wisdom in His Word, while simultaneously being awakened by His Spirit to apply this Word in difficult circumstances. I don’t want to spew off scripture knowledge. I need for it to rise up in my spirit as an overflow of what I have taken in. I’m so ready to stop being reactive and start becoming responsive, viewing circumstances from God’s perspective.

So, I’m ready to dive deeply into these sacred writings. Not for more head knowledge, but for deep change, for growth, and to get to know myself and my Savior and experience Him in fresh new ways.

Let me know if you’re ready to take the plunge with me.

Picture of Lori Travers

Lori Travers

Lori finds the Joy of the Lord to be her strength.
Born and raised an Italian Jersey girl, she has finally settled in the south as Reynolda Presbyterian church became her new home.
Ministry to women, reading, writing, cooking, and anything having to do with animals are her sweet spots. Having a background in cardiac testing, she chose to stay home and raise three incredible children who are now married, and currently has 2 precious granddaughters and one faithful husband of 34 years.