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I Know Too Much and It’s Breaking My Heart

Planet Fitness keeps me coming back with its updated equipment and friendly staff, ready to assist one who seeks to create a healthier body....

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No Perfect Villian

If you’re not on Twitter, you’re missing out on instant news, lightning wit, and a thin veil between rock-star celebrity and the average joe....

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There’s Nothing Natural About Disasters

It seems like it’s just been one after another. First Harvey, then Irma, then earthquakes in Mexico, then Maria hitting Puerto Rico and the...

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Faith and Wrestling

I like to get there early. This gives me time to mill around in the lobby and do some people watching before I find...

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My Problem with Christian Movies

I know this might not be a popular topic for a whole host of reasons, but I just have to do it. I would...

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Change the Channel

“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it...

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Martha, Martha

“Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. And she had...

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Looking for Patience

I’ve written again and again about losing my patience. Again and again, people comment… “Me too,” they say. “I know what you mean.” and...

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You Don’t Need to be Perfect

What is your calling? Do you know what the Lord is calling you, nudging you, leading you to do? Or is it someone He’d...

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20 Lessons I Learned From My Two-Year Old

When I became a dad a little over two years ago I knew I had a lot to learn about becoming a parent. What...

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