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Give it Away

Give it Away

The LORD first appeared to Abram and made a covenant with him in Genesis 17. He promised him that he “shall be the father...

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Be Then Sun

Be Then Sun

A few days ago, my son jumped into the car.  He excitedly showed me the bracelet that he had made in class.  It said,...

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Speak Life

Speak Life

As I’ve taken the past few weeks to be silent pretty often, it’s been a good time to think about the words I do...

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Stop Leading

Stop Leading

It’s my birthday. I literally had to use a calculator to figure out how old I’m turning. I don’t subscribe to celebrating most things,...

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Concentration and Focus: Close to Extinction?

Concentration and Focus: Close to Extinction?

Bounding up the stairs into my bedroom at breakneck speed with adrenaline flowing, I find myself standing in my bedroom scratching my head wondering...

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Givers and Withholders

Givers and Withholders

We’ve all seen commercials that start with something like this…

Do you suffer from chronic pain?  Do you lack energy or motivation, or struggle with depression?...

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Godly Courage

Godly Courage

We live in a courage-consumed culture. In some way, and at some point in our lives, we all desire to be the strongest, the...

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Blow Wind Blow

Blow Wind Blow

It was my last semester senior year of college, and I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. Well, that’s...

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You Satisfy

You Satisfy

I have had plenty of time to think recently. At work when I wash dishes, while I ice or get massaged at physical therapy,...

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The Hardness of Hallmark Holidays

The Hardness of Hallmark Holidays

Today, all the Valentine’s candy is 50-75% off! And replacing it is the Easter candy. Away with the conversation hearts (my fave!) and in...

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