I do not know what you need to hear right now. Maybe it’s soothing words of comfort such as, everything will be okay. It will be. God loves you. He is provider. He is perfect. He is a strong tower. >>> The gospel of John chapter 10, verses 28-30
Maybe it’s words of beckoning such as, run to your Strong Tower. Hide within His walls and under His wings. He will shelter you with peace, hope, and joy. >>>A Psalm of David, chapter 61
Maybe it’s words of bucking up such as, The LORD is your strength! He lives in you! Go forth, make disciples, do not sit defeated. God cannot be defeated by the most powerful foe. Go get it! >>>The book Isaiah, chapter 40, verses 28-31
Maybe it’s no words at all, dear reader. Maybe, you just need someone to sit with you, in the quiet, breathing with you, a steady presence that lets you know you are not the only human on the planet.
I do not know what you need right now. I cannot reach through the screen, cup your face and ask you. But the One who can, He never left you. He did not retreat when everyone else disappeared behind their doors and window shades. He is with you now, and He is not going anywhere but rather desires to draw closer to you every moment. I promise, if you tell Him what you need, He is capable of doing that and so much more than you could ever ask for and He is worthy of all praise>>>Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus, chapter 3, verses 20-21.
Right now, out loud, tell Him how you are. What is hurting you. What you miss. Offer up a sacrifice of thanksgiving. Thank Him for hearing you, for not leaving you on your own.
>>>The book of Psalms, chapter 50, verses 14 & 15
If you have never called upon the name of The LORD, and this is all very new to you, can I say welcome? Can I also point you to Paul’s letter to the Romans chapter 10, verse 9? Confess and believe. Call out to Him, seek Him. Let me know if I can help you on your journey.
You are loved and seen, lovely reader.