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Posts for Culture Category

Prosperity Gospel is Not The Gospel

The prosperity gospel, which proposes that the LORD wills health, wealth, and well-being to those who love and obey him, stands in direct opposition to New Testament teaching and forms a dangerous undercurrent in much of western theology.

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Why it’s important to keep your Taco Bell down

People simply aren’t digesting what they’re hearing, if they’re listening at all.

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Why We Long for Superheroes

So much of life looks like defeat – we long for something different. Here’s why: ...
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Upsetness: How to Fight Back When You’re in the Thick of Things

“What does it look like to ‘be Jesus’ or ‘love’ when we’re upset?” ...
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The Truth about Christian Music

Lights. Cameras. Fog Machines. Are we really lying when we worship? ...
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When Young People Die

Having A Savior that is in control in the midst of our chaos. ...
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Why the Church Should Be Like the CIA

Why the Church Should Be Like the CIA

Clandestine tactics the church can use. ...
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Racism, Humility, and the Gospel

Why I wholeheartedly believe the gospel is the only answer to racial reconciliation ...
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A Desire for Community

What Parks and Rec can teach us about those around us. ...
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Your Christian Friends Are Not A Church

The case for getting up early on Sundays. ...
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