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Posts for Culture Category

Was it Really Better Back Then?

Maybe the 20/20 hindsight cliché is a myth. Our memories can deceive us. There are days I can’t even remember what I had for breakfast, let alone what all my former memories consisted of. Was it really as good as I thought it was as I compare events in our current set of historical circumstances? Or was it worse? Can I confidently rely upon my limited memory bank to accurately recall past events? Or worse, can I rely upon the inconsistencies of those writing newspaper articles, hosting talk shows, or rewriting our history books?


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Social Media Matters

What is the current status of your relationship with social media tools? I’m guessing it’s complicated. Let’s face it. It has been a rough...

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Racism, Humility and the Gospel

Full disclosure: I’m a white female who grew up in a privileged area of Charlotte, NC, attended high school with mostly white kids, and...

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White Supremacy and a Total Eclipse

The Great American Eclipse is coming. I hope a Great American Spiritual Awakening is just behind it.

An eclipse is defined as: “an obscuring of the...

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A Celebration of the Secular

I’m realizing that I’m more cynical than I thought and certainly dare to admit. It’s about time that I confront it.

I love...

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What Michael Scott Taught Me About Jesus

One of the saddest moments in television history was the moment that Michael Gary Scott, the regional manager of Dunder Mifflin Scranton on the...

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What Charlottesville Taught Me: It’s Time to Speak Up.

“The thing about statues is…”

I wrote that first line thinking it was how I would start this piece. I like to be lighthearted and...

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Tower of Babel

I walked around the corner and lit up in a display case in front of me was a mannequin adorned in the signature garb...

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Are We Really Pro-Life?

Over the last two years I’ve tried to become a more informed person when it comes to sociopolitical issues. I’ve also tried to make...

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Enter the Rest: Letter to the Church of America

This is a guest post from Taber Cheo, you can follow him on facebook. 

My hope and prayer for you is that you come know...

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